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ESC 104L Astronomy 2 Lab

Astronomy is an observational science. All of the information taught to introductory astronomy students has been obtained by analyzing carefully taken data. Moreover, it is a numerical science. Qualitative observations can be used to develop a concept, but unless there are corresponding quantitative data which can be compared to theory then the description is lacking in precision and runs the risk of being in error. Therefore, astrophysical software is used to allow the student to simulate the taking of data, and its analysis. The computer will present the students with selected views of the night sky in which they can collect their own unique data and analyze it to draw conclusions. The weekly assigned astronomy investigationis interactive and requires the student to carefully collect and manipulate data to obtain results and form conclusions. All lab write ups are due by the following week they are performed. Prerequisites: Arithmetic and basic Algebra are required. Trigonometry is introduced as needed along with scientific notation. Math placement score of 54+.
