Credit at Another College
A student who is matriculated at The College of Saint Rose and who wishes to take courses at another accredited college or university may do so within the limits of the College’s residency requirement; that is, 32 credit hours must be completed at Saint Rose and a maximum of 70 credit hours transferred from a two-year college and up to 90 credit hours transferred from a four-year college will be accepted.
Prior to registering for courses at another college, a student must obtain the written approval of his/her advisor and the Dean of his/her school in order to ensure that the credits earned will be applicable toward the degree at Saint Rose. Students are advised not to take course requirements for their major at another college. Once students have reached junior status, they may be discouraged from taking courses at a junior or community college. Prior approval is essential in order to assure transfer of credit. Request forms for taking courses at other colleges are available in the Registrar’s Office. The College allows transfer credit for courses taken at other colleges and completed with grades of C- or above. However, quality points are not recorded for these courses and do not enter into the tabulation of the grade point average.
An exception to the above policy is made for courses taken through the College’s cross-registration agreement with other colleges and universities during the fall and/or spring semesters as part of a full-time program at Saint Rose. In this case, credit is given for grades of D or above, quality points are recorded, and the credit earned counts as part of the residence requirement at the College. Forms for cross-registration are available in the Registrar’s Office. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Registrar receives an official transcript in order to process and record the transfer of credit for courses taken at other colleges.